A Fresh Start: New Year, New You?
What is it about the New Year, which prompts us to rid ourselves of disruptive habits and vow to take on new practices that would produce better results than what we attained in the previous year?
We are human and prone to make mistakes, and due to this, we crave a chance to start life all over again because we desire to erase our past mistakes or failures. The new year gives us an impression of this chance, and because of this, we make all sorts of vows and resolutions to take a better approach in handling different aspects of our lives. Take account of the highs and lows of the previous year and choose to change the patterns or decisions that resulted in negative results for you or your business.
Towards the end of 2021, the manufacturers of BlackBerry phones announced that the phones will no longer function from the 4th of January, 2022, because their partners pulled backed out their support from the production process. If you recall, Blackberry was once the Apple of today. The downfall and end of this device arose because of its arrogance and unwillingness to change.
A lot is going on in our world today, and we cannot afford to be complacent and repetitive in our patterns, especially when those patterns are not yielding the desired results. We need to constantly keep improving and pushing what we believe to be our boundaries. Change might be uncomfortable, but it is necessary. This New year, decide to change for the better and stick with it. You will be glad you did!
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