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Maintaining Workplace Productivity

With the current global pandemic, it’s no news that organisations have had to go through a thorough restructuring and adopt remote approaches to working.
However, after working remotely for a couple of months, one may start to struggle with the issue of redundancy and laxity in work-related matters because of the comfort that comes with ‘working from home’.

While some people increase their productivity in a new environment, others may become less productive. It is therefore very important for you to ensure that you and your remote team are staying productive with minimal disruption of day-to-day work.

Here are a few ways of setting yourself up for success and to remain at the top of your game – while working remotely during this uncertain period:

  • Ensure you follow regular office hours
    It’s very easy to get carried away with responsibilities at home and to also get too relaxed because you are comfortable in your own living space. This might cause you to adopt certain habits such as procrastination, relaxed dress codes, and so on. Although it sounds good, a relaxed dress code can often mean a relaxed day at work and this can greatly impact the productivity level over time. Staff members should maintain certain daily routines just as if they were working from the office.
  • Operate under safe working conditions
    Making provisions to ensure that staff members are working under safe conditions, keeping and maintaining a healthy body helps to keep the mind fresh and able to focus better. Everyone is in a better headspace when they do not have to worry about their health or safety. With these measures put in place, one can conveniently focus his/her attention on company goals and drive towards productivity.
  • Maintain Regular Virtual Contact
    The pandemic is causing social isolation for people, and it can greatly affect the mental health of members of staff. Ensure that you are virtually connecting regularly with other members of staff to share ideas and information during office hours. This will help everyone to understand his/her contribution to the team and productivity during the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the entire world into disarray. But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you might see a boost in productivity from it. Maximize your productivity now, and focus on preparing for the future when you can go back to the office fully.

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